My first Hugo post using TopHat theme

What is this?

This is my first Hugo site, and the theme is powered by the amazingly clean and compact TopHat theme!

What can it do?

Well, because this entire site was written in MarkDown, a very easy to use “programming language” changes can be made very easily! MarkDown supports the HTML basics, such as bold text, italicized text, headers, underlined text, etc. so I will attempt to use them in the section below!

A quick demonstration!

Hey! This is just me testing the amazing Hugo theme called Top Hat And maybe I am looking to embed some code snippets?

import os
import sys

No problem! Beautiful syntax highlighting for many languages. The interface is similar to Discord. Discord also supports basic MarkDown formatting.

Okay cool. Now you see some python but what if I want to write in another language?

if (confirm("Are you sure you want to do this?")) {
    console.warn("Alrighty then...")

Okay yeah that is super-duper cool. I will for sure be using this!!


So now we know that Hugo is amazing and that TopHat theme is wonderful!

But wait! One more thing!

Keep your eyes peeled for my new blog written 100% by AI! (Fact checked by human eyes.)

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